SAIDOV Nosir Ozodovich
(19.02.1966), film director. Awarded with a certificate of honor of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (2004). Member of the Union of Cinematographers of Tajikistan (2000). Graduated from the faculty of directing of the Tajik State Institute of Arts named after M. Tursun-zade (1989). 1989 - 1991 - assistant director at the Tajikfilm film studio. In 1989-1993. - Director of the theater studio "Peninsula". Since 1993 - the second director of the Mosfilm studio, in 1997-1999. - the second director of the Vvys studio (Moscow). Since 1999 - the chief director of the musical edition of the Tajik television (the first channel of TVT), since 2000 - the chief director of the "Subҳ" television. In 2001-2004. - the second director of the Vvys studio (Moscow). In 2004-2005. - Chief director of TV "Safina". In 2005-2012. - PR director of Oriono-Media. Since 2012 - director of the Tajikfilm film studio. Participation in international film festivals with the film "True Afternoon": Kerala IFF (India) - awards "Best Film Director", "Audience Award"; "Grand Prix" IFF in Innsbruck (Austria); prize "Best male role" IFF "Zerkalo" (Russia); "Audience Award" at the Fukoko IFF (Japan); the prizes "Best Film", "Best Film Director" and "ESO Prize" 28 IFF "Fajr" (Iran); Best Film Director and Ferdowsi Prize of the IFF on Kish Island (Iran); Prize "Interaction of Civilizations" IFF in Deauville (France). The film "True Afternoon" took part in the Rotterdam IFF, the Netherlands, Marokash, "Eurasia" (Kazakhstan), "Kinoshock" (Russia), Santa Barbara (USA), NHK Japan, was awarded 11 prizes of the IFF. FILMOGRAPHY: Assistant director of the feature film "Alien's Game" (1990). The second director of feature films: "I promised, I will leave" (Tiskino film company, 1991), "The Queen's Personal Life" ("Mosfilm", 1993), "Moon Pope""Audience Award" at the Fukoko IFF (Japan); the prizes "Best Film", "Best Film Director" and "ESO Prize" 28 IFF "Fajr" (Iran); Best Film Director and Ferdowsi Prize of the IFF on Kish Island (Iran); Prize "Interaction of Civilizations" IFF in Deauville (France). The film "True Afternoon" took part in the Rotterdam IFF, the Netherlands, Marokash, "Eurasia" (Kazakhstan), "Kinoshock" (Russia), Santa Barbara (USA), NHK Japan, was awarded 11 prizes of the IFF. FILMOGRAPHY: Assistant director of the feature film "Alien's Game" (1990). The second director of feature films: "I promised, I will leave" (Tiskino film company, 1991), "The Queen's Personal Life" ("Mosfilm", 1993), "Moon Pope" (Film company "Vys", 1999). Co-director of the documentary film "Finding the Road" ("Tajikfilm", 1996). Works on TVT - director-director of the music video film "Chunin Bodo" ("Let it be so", 1996). Director of music programs (1993-2005). The second director of feature films: "Moon Dad" (1999), "Chic" (2003), "Tanker" Tango "(2005). Stage director of the feature film True Noon (Talko Management, 2009).