The shooting of the feature film “Ohirin Saydi Sayod” (“The Hunter’s Last Prey”), directed by Mukhammadroabi Ismoilov, which took place in the Veshab village of the Aininsky region and in the “Beshai Palangon” (“Tigrovaya Balka”) region, has been completed, and the film is being edited and dubbed.

More than 40 people took part in the filming, including the creative and technical groups of the State Institution “Tojikfilm”, as well as famous actors involved in the film.

The shooting of the feature film “Ohirin Saidi Sayod” was organized with the support of the State Committee for National Security, local authorities of the Aininsky and Dustinsky regions, the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the administration of the State Natural Reserve “Beshai Palangon”, the State Circus and Zoo in Dushanbe. We express our gratitude to the management of these institutions.