He was born in March 15, 1939 in the village of New Batakyurt, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Public Artist of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1968). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (06.26.1981). Public Artist of the RSFSR (05.15.1990). He graduated from the Theater School named B.V. Schukina (1964, artistic director of the course – A.A. Orochko, director-teacher – Yu.P. Lyubimov). The first performer of the role of a Pilot in the legendary student (diploma) performance directed by Yuri Lyubimov “A Good Man from Cezuan”. Since 1959, he was an actor in the North Ossetian Music and Drama Theater, played at the Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater (1964-1965), in 1969-1975, he was an actor in the Tajikfilm studio, director of television films, and in 1994-1998 he was a minister culture of North Ossetia. He was Artistic Director of the North Ossetia State Academic Theater. The talented actor played fifty theatrical roles and starred in thirty films. He died in Vladikavkaz on May 9, 2000 and is buried in the Walk of Fame. THEATER WORKS King Lear (“King Lear” by Shakespeare) Claudius (Hamlet by W. Shakespeare) King Oedipus Sophocles Luke (“At the bottom” by M. Gorky) Danko Chermen (“Chermen” by G. Pliev) Borahan (“An Outcast Angel” by S. Dzhikayev) Edigey (“And the day lasts longer than a century” according to Ch. Aitmatov) PRIZES AND AWARDS Order of Friendship (04.10.1995). Laureate of the State Prize of the Tajik SSR named Rudaki for participation in the dialogic “Feats of Rustam” (1973). Laureate of the Republican Prize of the North Ossetia Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic named after K. L. Khetagurov.