Was born in May 1, 1929 in the Rushan Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (in the Pamirs).
He studied at school number 3 named S.M. Kirov of the Khorog city.
He graduated from the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute named A.N. Ostrovsky (1954). In 1943-1946 – musician of the children’s Pamir ensemble, In 1946-1950 – actor of the regional music and drama theater in the Khorog city, since 1954 – Tajik Academic Drama Theater named A. Lahuti (brilliantly played the main roles of national heroes). In the cinema – since 1956. Public Artist of the Tajik SSR (1966). With his own resources and means, he created the Museum of Folk Instruments in Dushanbe. There are both European and Eastern instruments. The museum is known in the republic and beyond its borders under the name “Gourming Museum”. PRIZES AND AWARDS Laureate of the State Prize of the Tajik SSR named Rudaki (1965, for the role of Said Urtabaev in the film “Man Changes the Skin”).