Born on November 24, 1942 in Dushanbe.
Graduated from the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute named after I. A. Ostrovsky (1964).
Since 1964 she has been an actress of the Leninabad Music and Drama Theater named after I. A.S. Pushkin (then – Theater named after Khujandi).
In the cinema – since 1962.
Chief director of the Theater of Musical Comedy. Kamola Khujandi in Sughd.
Honored Artist of the Tajik SSR (1971).
People’s Artist of the Tajik SSR (1986).
Husband – artist Islom Salomov.
aunt Ziyoda (“Dazzling Diamond” by S. Ulugzade)
Nozi (“Duel” by M. Baidzhiev),
Robia (“Unfinished Song” by A. Atabaev),
Aza (“Gipsy Aza” by M.P. Staritsky),
Shakhlo (“Shakhlo” by A. Shukukhi),