
Signing of Memoranda of Cooperation between the State Institution Tojikfilm of the Republic of Tajikistan and Roskino JSC of the Russian Federation, the State Budgetary Cultural Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Tatarkino”, the National Center of Cinematography of the Republic of Moldova, Jafar Jabbarli Azerbaijanfilm of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Dovfilm, ifilm of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Amkart of the Russian Federation.

From January 27 to 31, 2023 in the city of Mumbai, Republic of India will be the International Film Festival of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member countries. Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Director of the State Institution “Tojikfilm”, represents the Republic of Tajikistan at the international event as a jury of the competition program. The feature films “Dov” directed by Mukhiddin Muzaffar, “Hunter’s Last Prey” directed by Mukhammadrabi Ismoil and “Rokh” directed by Nosir Saidov, and the short feature film “Etude” directed by Mumin Kadyrov were presented in the competition sector. The SCO Film Festival aims to establish a cinematic partnership and serve as a bridge between the cultures of different SCO countries. It will also create a partnership in the cinematographic brotherhood of the SCO member states through collective cinematographic experience. The films screened at the SCO Film Festival, presented by the SCO states, will allow viewers to experience different cultures, and will be a window for people from the SCO countries to get to know each other better. The competition section is only for SCO member states and includes various prestigious awards such as Best Feature Film, Best Actor (male), Best Actor (female), Best Director (feature film), Special Jury Prize. In total 57 films from 14 SCO countries were selected for the SCO Film Festival. 14 feature films from 7 countries will be screened in the competition section, and 43 films will be presented in the non-competition section. Presently eight countries (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) are the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, three states (Belarus, Iran and Mongolia) are observers and 14 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Maldives, Maldives, Myanmar, the Arab Emirates and Turkey) are dialogue partners. Tojikfilm Administration

From June 21 to June 26, 2022, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia, in cooperation with the Interstate Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the International Seminar of the Commonwealth of Independent States “Solid Art. Modern craft and public administration. The seminar was attended by a delegation of the state institution “Tojikfilm” consisting of editor-in-chief Nazar Nazarov and chief specialist of the department of grants and organization of film festivals Jovidon Makhmadov. During the seminar, important and sensitive topics of the sphere were discussed, such as cultural heritage: the protection and internationalization of the heritage of national cinema and the production of joint films of the participating countries. Nazar Nazarov, editor-in-chief of the state institution “Tojikfilm”, made a presentation on the topic “Joint film production in the Republic of Tajikistan” and provided the participants of the seminar with detailed information on international cooperation and production of joint films of the state institution “Tojikfilm” with foreign filmmakers during the years of independence of Tajikistan. During the daily discussions and presentations, interesting discussions were held, a useful dialogue was established between the participants of the seminar. It was emphasized that the holding of such film events creates a favorable basis for the development and strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation between filmmakers from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. At the end of the seminar, the speakers were presented with letters of thanks for meaningful presentations, and the rest of the participants were awarded certificates.

On June 29, 2022, the Director of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, on the initiative of the French Embassy, received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Michel Tarran. During the meeting, views were expressed on strengthening cooperation in the field of cinema. The parties discussed the importance and favorable basis for expanding and strengthening cooperation and mutually beneficial relations between Tajik and French filmmakers. The development and shooting of joint films, holding various film events, organizing film days were discussed. It was emphasized that for the purpose of sustainable development of cooperation, the holding of the Tajik-French film festival in Tajikistan, and then in France, will lead to informing and familiarizing domestic filmmakers of both sides with meaningful and entertaining films from friendly countries. The first stage of the Tajik-French Film Festival is scheduled for late August-early September in the Republic of Tajikistan, and this event is expected to be held in Paris, France in early 2023. The meeting was held in an atmosphere of good understanding and mutual understanding.

The state institution “Tojikfilm” together with the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan began filming a new documentary film about rare animals and the unique nature of the beautiful land of Tajikistan. The development and shooting of the film has already begun, the world of flora and fauna, as well as beautiful landscapes and the unique nature of the country will be reflected on the movie screen. The film tells about the markhor goat (Markhor), which is one of the rare animals in our country, which is taken care of and bred in the Dashtijum Reserve. The creative and technical group of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” went to the Dashtijum region to get acquainted with the lifestyle of this animal, explore the majestic mountains, fascinating landscapes and the most beautiful landscapes of this remote corner of the country. The purpose of the documentary is to reveal the secrets of the magical nature of Tajikistan, flora and fauna, to attract tourists. The film will be presented to moviegoers in three languages.

The feature film “Water Boy” produced by the State Institution “Tojikfilm” directed by Faizullo Faizov participated in the Asian International Film Festival among 50 films from around the world, which was held from May 19 to 25, 2022 in London. The film was shot in the genre of social drama and tells the story of a boy who is fond of fishing and dreams of making a career in the future. The film also highlights environmental issues, the depletion of water resources and the drying up of rivers, lakes and rivers due to global warming. The closing ceremony of the festival was attended by representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the UK, who expressed satisfaction with the reception and evaluation of filmmakers and the awarding of the feature film of the Water Boy festival with the Audience Award. It was emphasized that in the future we would like to see more Tajik films at international European festivals so that European viewers can enjoy the rich culture, civilization and history of the Tajik people. Congratulations to all filmmakers and employees of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” on the award of the feature film “Water Boy”. Administration of Tojikfilm

In connection with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of India, from May 3 to May 6, 2022, the Indian Film Festival will be held at the Vatan cinema of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” in cooperation with the Embassy of India in the Republic of Tajikistan. As part of the film event, Indian films will be screened for 4 days. Entrance for all is free. Administration of Tojikfilm

03/30/2022. Today, a delegation of filmmakers from the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation arrived in Tajikistan to participate in the IV Board of Directors of film studios of the CIS and Georgia, hold the Days of Cinema of Uzbekistan and Belarus and participate in the Award Ceremony of the National Film Award “Tochi Somon”. At the Dushanbe International Airport, the guests were met by filmmakers led by the Director of the state institution “Tojikfilm” Mahmadsaid Shokhiyon in accordance with the traditions of Tajik hospitality. Administration of Tojikfilm

Today (09.02.2022) at the cinema named after Tohir Sobirov, a press conference was held on the results of the work of the State Institution “Tajikfilm” for this year with the participation of the management of the institution and media representatives. During the meeting, the director of the State Institution “Tajikfilm” Mahmadsaid Shohiyon analyzed the activities of the institution in 2021 and the state of the national cinema. The creative and production activities of the institution include the development and filming of feature, short, documentary and animated films, which in 2021 included 4 full-length feature films, 4 short feature films, 3 documentaries and 1 animated film. 1. Feature films: The feature film “Ohhirin sayi sayod” directed by Muhammadrabi Ismoilov premiered on July 24, 2021 at the renovated Vatan cinema. The feature film “Bakhori hazonrez” based on the novel by the people’s writer of Tajikistan Karomatullo Mirzoev “Mokaroi zindagi” directed by Rajabali Pirov. The premiere took place on February 4, 2022 at the Vatan cinema. The feature film “Dov” directed by Mukhiddin Muzaffar has been completed. In cooperation with the young director Zarina Kalandar, the development and filming of the feature film Tavalludi Digar in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region has been completed, and the film is being edited. Preparations are also underway for the development of the feature film “Jami and Navoi”, presented by the top leadership of the two friendly and fraternal countries, in cooperation with the Cinematography Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2. Short feature films: The short film “Shammae az rusumi Navruz” was prepared by the leadership of the institution in GBAO and shown on regional television. A short feature film “Bozi” directed by Mumin Kadyrov has been prepared. The short feature film “Nasib” directed by Sharofat Arabova was fully prepared and presented to cinematographers. The work on the short feature film “Dodaraki farishtaho” based on the work of Sayf Rakhimzoda Afardi directed by Umedsho Mirzoshirinov has been completed. The premiere of the film took place on January 28, 2022 at the cinema named after Tohir Sobirov for lovers of domestic cinema. 3. Cartoons: The production and preparation of the animated film “Sarguzashti Gandum” based on the work of Abdurofe Rabizoda has been completed. 4. Documentaries: • “Masiri Hamdili” about the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, directed by Faizullo Faizov. • “Khoqamu’min”, about the world’s largest salt mine, filmed by the Administration of the enterprise in the Khatlon region • “Kal’ai Khujand” prepared by the Office of the institution in the Sughd region. • For the first time in the years of independence, in 2021, the Vatan cinema was repaired and put into operation. • The Days of Cinema of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tajikistan and the Days of Cinema of Tajikistan in Uzbekistan were held at a high organizational level. • Together with the Embassy of the Russian Federation and Rossotrudnichestvo, a film festival dedicated to the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the International Film Festival “Crystal Spring” were held. • The Days of Cinema of the Republic of Tajikistan were held in Minsk as part of the Days of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Republic of Belarus • For the first time in the Republic of Tajikistan, in cooperation with the Goethe-Institute in Tashkent, the Silent Film Festival was held. In turn, correspondents and journalists of periodicals and television and radio channels took an active part in the meeting. Media representatives discussed issues related to the prevention of smuggling of audiovisual materials, the development and shooting of historical feature films, the training of highly qualified personnel, the attraction of grants and investments in the field, the creation of joint films, the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign filmmakers and other questions to which they received specific exhaustive answers. The meeting ended in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Administration of Tajikfilm

On February 7, 2022, at the initiative of the Embassy of the French Republic in the Republic of Tajikistan, Ms. Eva Tozier, a meeting was held with the First Deputy Director of the State Institution “Tajikfilm” Gaibullozoda Tolib. During the meeting, the parties discussed the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between Tajik and French filmmakers, training personnel, developing the film industry in the Republic of Tajikistan, creating joint films, strengthening cultural ties, holding Cinema Days, translating and dubbing Tajik films into French and French films into Tajik and other cinematographic Events. It was noted that the strengthening of cooperation in the field of cinema will contribute to the representation of the nation on the world stage. In addition, Ms. Eva Tozier visited the renovated cinema named after Tohir Sobirov and considered it appropriate to hold cinema and cultural events in this large hall. Administration of Tajikfilm

The state institution “Tojikfilm” continues to display works, novels and stories of Tajik writers on the screens of cinemas. After the film adaptation of the story of Sayf Rakhimzod Afardi “Brother of Angels”, another film “Spring leaf fall” was shot based on the novel “Life’s Adversities” by the People’s Writer of Tajikistan Karomatulloi Mirzo. The film was developed and shot by the efforts of the Tajik director Rajabali Pirov, cameraman Shukhrat Kurbonov, artist Abdurashid Jalilov, composer Amirbek Muso and the creative and technical team of Tajikfilm State Institution. Interesting and memorable roles in the film were created by actors of the Tajik theater and cinema, such as Kurbon Sobir, Mokhpaykar Yorova, Mavlona Najmiddinova, Umed Sultonmurod, Nasriddin Nuriddin and others. The film covers the events of the seventies of the last century and the present, with high professionalism shows the difficult life of the Tajik people. The greed of the world leads the youth to the abyss. Diligence, honesty, sincerity and honesty, kindness are the positive aspects, and oppression, envy, malice and deceit are the negative aspects of the main characters of the film. The premiere of the feature film “Spring Leaf Fall” will take place on February 4, 2022 at 16.00 at the Vatan cinema for a wide range of filmmakers. Hurry up to enjoy the national cinema. Administration Tajikfilm

In connection with the strengthening of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and Malaysia, in March 2022, in order to popularize the culture, art, history and civilization of the ancient Tajik people in Malaysia, the Week of Tajik Cinema will be held. Feature films «Rustam and Sukhrob» directed by Boris Kimyagarov, «The Teacher» directed by Nosir Saidov, «Air Safar» directed by Daler Rakhmatov and the animated film «Zani Porso» with English subtitles will be screened in Kuala Lumpur. The screening of films will allow Malaysians to get acquainted with the art of Tajik cinema. Administration Tajikfilm

In order to improve the State Institution “Tojikfilm”, repair and restoration work is currently underway in the famous “Shahrezada” pavilion and the corridor of the second floor of the main building of the State Institution “Tojikfilm”, the corridor of the first floor of the main building has been completely repaired and reconstructed. The pavilion is being reconstructed for the purpose of filming scenes and other cinematic and cultural events, as well as for filming individual scenes of the joint historical film “Jami and Navoi”. Administration of Tajikfilm

The state institution “Tojikfilm” continues to display works, novels and stories of Tajik writers on the screens of cinemas. After the film adaptation of the story of Sayf Rakhimzod Afardi “Brother of Angels”, another film “Spring leaf fall” was shot based on the novel “Life’s Adversities” by the People’s Writer of Tajikistan Karomatulloi Mirzo. The film was developed and shot by the efforts of the Tajik director Rajabali Pirov, cameraman Shukhrat Kurbonov, artist Abdurashid Jalilov, composer Amirbek Muso and the creative and technical team of Tajikfilm State Institution. Interesting and memorable roles in the film were created by actors of the Tajik theater and cinema, such as Kurbon Sobir, Mokhpaykar Yorova, Mavlona Najmiddinova, Umed Sultonmurod, Nasriddin Nuriddin and others. The film covers the events of the seventies of the last century and the present, with high professionalism shows the difficult life of the Tajik people. The greed of the world leads the youth to the abyss. Diligence, honesty, sincerity and honesty, kindness are the positive aspects, and oppression, envy, malice and deceit are the negative aspects of the main characters of the film. The premiere of the feature film “Spring Leaf Fall” will take place on February 4, 2022 at 16.00 at the Vatan cinema for a wide range of filmmakers. Hurry up to enjoy the national cinema. Administration Tajikfilm

On January 28, 2022, the Tohir Sobirov Cinema will host the premiere of the short feature film “Brother of Angels” for a wide range of filmmakers. The short feature film was shot based on the story of the Tajik writer Saif Rakhimzoda Afardi and directed by Umedsho Mirzoshirinov. The content and philosophy of the story of the writer Saif Rakhimzoda Afardi are interestingly reflected in the film, the actors, especially the main character of the film, the boy, the work of the director, cameraman, a very good arrangement and music of the film, a mix of national and modern music, which made the film even more visual. In 2021, it was the fourth short feature film shot by the State Institution “Tojikfilm”. Administration of Tojikfilm

The state institution Tojikfilm until January 30, 2022 accepts scripts for staging and filming films of various genres, on the topic of personification, creation of achievements and development of national statehood. Scripts for historical feature films, short feature films, children feature films, documentaries and educational films will be accepted at the State Institution Tojikfilm at the address: Dushanbe, st. Bekhzod, 25. For more information, please call 221-67-71; 221-71-50; e-mail and on the official website

05.01.2022 at the cinema named after Tokhir Sobirov, a regular meeting of the working groups of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan was held on the implementation of the initiative of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev about the friendship of the Tajik and Uzbek peoples, especially about the friendship of Mavlono Abdurahmon Jami and Mir Alisher Navoi. The Tajik side was represented by Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, director of the Tajikfilm State Institution, Tolib Gaybullozoda – first deputy director, Safar Khakdodov – chairman of the Union of Cinematographers and guests of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rustam Jabborov – screenwriter, Furkat Usmonov – director and Shokhrukh Rasulov – computer graphics designer. It should be noted that the main idea of ​​the historical and artistic film "Jami and Navoi" is, first of all, a reflection of the love and sincerity of two great peoples on the example of two literary figures – Mavlono Abdurahmoni Jami and Mir Alisher Navoi – along the path of history. At present, working groups have been created in the direction of both sides, and a synopsis of the film is being developed. In this regard, on June 25, 2021, a fruitful meeting with the leadership and creators of the institution, writers, poets, scientists, intellectuals, film critics and specialists took place at the Tokhir Sobirov cinema. In addition, two online meetings were held between the working groups of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan on the development and preparation of a joint feature film Jami and Navoi. During the meetings, an exchange of views took place on the necessity, importance, specifics and main idea of ​​the film. A working group of the Republic of Tajikistan, formed from scientists of the National Academy of Sciences and the State Institution Tajikfilm, from September 10 to 15, 2021, for an in-depth study of the issue of creating a historical feature film Jami and Navoi, visited the city of Tashkent in the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result of fruitful meetings, a Declaration on the production of a joint historical feature film Jami and Navoi was adopted. Uzbek scriptwriter Rustam Jabborov, a co-author from the Republic of Uzbekistan, visited the city of Dushanbe from November 8 to 12, 2021, to work on a synopsis for the historical feature film Jami and Navoi, where he held fruitful meetings with Tajik filmmakers. From December 15 to 24, 2021, co-author Safar Khakdodov and co-director Faizullo Faizov from Tajikistan were in Tashkent to continue work on preparing a synopsis for the historical feature film Jami and Navoi. At the invitation of the Agency of Cinematography of the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in the III Board of Directors of film studios of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia from December 21 to 25, 2021, the director of the Tajikfilm State Institution Mahmadsaid Shohiyon was on a working visit in the city of Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. At a meeting of the Art Council of the Agency of Cinematography of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the creative teams of both sides were instructed to prepare a draft synopsis by January 15, 2022 and submit it to the Art Council of both sides for consideration. Currently, working groups on both sides are preparing a synopsis of the film for January 15, 2022 in one of the recreation areas of Tajikistan. It should be noted that two joint film projects are currently being developed and implemented, such as the historical feature film Jami and Navoi and the feature film Invisible Star directed by Muhabbat Sattori, the implementation of which will strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation. between Tajik and Uzbek filmmakers. Administration Tajikfilm

The FESTIVAL OF A LITTLE CINEMA has come to an end. On November 26, 2021, the official closing ceremony of the Silent Film Festival was held at the Tohir Sobirov Cinema of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” with the participation of a wide range of filmmakers, cultural figures, intellectuals, cinematographers and guests. Also in the cinema named after Tokhir Sobirov, an exhibition of photographs of Zaur Dakhte was held, which made a good impression on the guests and participants. Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Director of State Institution “Tojikfilm”, greeted the guests and participants and thanked the leadership of the Goethe Institute Uzbekistan for initiating and organizing such a film event, which strengthened self-knowledge, friendship, fruitful communication and popularization of silent films. The ceremonial closing of the festival was marked by the play of soulful melodies and songs performed by the art group of Daler Sultonov. Within the framework of the Silent Film Festival on November 26, 2021, guests of the event Jan Helfer from the Federal Republic of Germany and Shomansur Shorakhimov, Dildora Mukhammadaminova, Gulnoz Nabieva from the Republic of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the history and culture of the ancient Tajik people in the Gissar fortress. The guests were satisfied with the reception and the high level of the festival and thanked the management of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” and the organizing committee. At the closing of the Festival of Silent Cinema, the audience and participants of the festival were shown an animated film “Huwaido” and a German animated film “The Adventures of Prince Ahmed”. The silent film festival was held under the auspices of Dushanbe, the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2021, from November 24-26, 2021 at the initiative of the Goethe Institute of Uzbekistan together with the State Institution “Tojikfilm”. Administration Tojikfilm

OPENING OF THE PALACE OF CULTURE IN KANGURT On October 21, 2021, as part of a working visit to Khatlon region, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon put into operation the Palace of Culture, built by a local entrepreneur. The design of the palace is made in the national modern style at a high level. The opening of the Palace of Culture in this corner of the country is important for cultural, political and film events and will create jobs for local residents. The state institution "Tojikfilm" plans to organize screenings of domestic films in the Kangurt Palace of Culture in the future.

On October 13, 2021, at the cinema named after Tokhir Sobirov, the board of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” was held following the results of nine months of 2021 and tasks for the future. The meeting was attended by the Management, heads of departments of the institution and other officials. At the final meeting, the report of the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise was heard. Mr. Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Director of State Institution “Tojikfilm”, discussed the situation in the field of cinema for nine months of 2021 at a board meeting. In particular, it was noted that State Institution “Tojikfilm” continues its creative and production activities, and within nine months of work, the following feature films “Bahori Hazonrez” directed by Rajabali Pirov, “Okhirin Saydi Sayyod”, directed by Muhammadrabi Ismoilov, “Surudi Nosuruda” have been prepared directed by Muzaffar Mukhiddin, “Tavalludi digar”, directed by Zarina Kalandar, short feature film “Shammaye az rusumi Navruz” by the Office of the GBAO institution, “Bozi”, directed by Mumin Latifi, “Nasib” directed by Sharofat Arabova, “Dodaraki Umariz Dodaraki” , documentary film “Marde dar share, share dar marde” directed by Faizullo Faiz, “Masiri Kamdil” about the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, directed by Faizullo Faizova, “Galevard” documentary series “Nigini Khatlon” and “Khogamumin” about the world’s largest salt mine filmed by the Office of the enterprise in the Khatlon region, “Qal’ai Khugand prepared by the Office of the institution for Co Gdian region, as well as the cartoon “Sarguzashti Gandum” directed by Firdavs Nasrullozoda. In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan rivers, the cinemas named after Tokhir Sobirov and the Vatan cinema in Dushanbe were designed and commissioned. Also, the departments of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” put in order the operating cinemas in the regions, cities and districts of the country. In particular, the exterior of the cinemas “Navruz” in the Yavan region, “Kirov” in the Pyanj region, “Sitora” in the Jaykhun region, “Shohiyon” in the Vose region and “Guliston” in the Farkhor region of the Khatlon region have been painted. In the Sughd region, work is underway to improve the Kanibadam film set, the 30 Years of Independence cinema is being reconstructed in the Mastchoh region. Days of Cinema of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tajikistan and Days of Cinema of the Republic of Tajikistan in Uzbekistan, a film festival, a Festival dedicated to the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, together with the Embassy of the Russian Federation, Days of Tajik Cinema in Belarus, Days of Tajik Cinema in Novosibirsk with the support of the Consul General of Tajikistan in Novosibirsk. It was noted that during this period the international activities of the institution were fruitful, and fruitful cooperation with filmmakers of the Republic of Uzbekistan has strengthened. Within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation, three joint film projects were launched, including the historical feature film “Jomi and Navoi” about the friendship of the Tajik and Uzbek peoples, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the feature film “Invisible Star” directed by Muhabbat Sattori and Iskandar Usmonov’s feature film Stones and Water. Thus, the activities of GU “Tojikfilm” for 9 months of the current year were recognized as satisfactory, tasks for the next period were defined and specific instructions were given to responsible persons for their effective implementation.

The delegation of Tajik cinema at this important cultural event was represented by the Director of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Deputy Director Sokhibzoda Mahmadkarim, Head of the Main Directorate for Distribution, Screening of Films, Licensing and Control of Audiovisual Production of Abdullozoda Akmal, cameraman Naroddin Dakhstridinov of Tajikistan , film critic Tillo Nekkadamov, directors Daler Rakhmatov, Mukhabbat Sattori, Iskandar Usmonov, chief cameraman of State Institution “Tojikfilm” Shukhrat Kurbanov, and photographer of the magazine “Kino” Komron Safarov. Representatives of the Tajik film industry had the opportunity to walk the red carpet of the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival – “Pearl of the Silk Road” and greet the audience. Days of Tajik cinema in Uzbekistan officially opened on September 29 in the hall of the State Opera and Ballet Theater of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. The opening ceremony was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdujabbor Rahmonzoda, Director of the State Institution “Tojikfilm”, Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Uzbekistan, Deputy Agency of Cinematography of Uzbekistan Shukhrat Rizaev, spoke about the current achievements of Tajik cinema and cooperation. The program of Tajik filmmakers included the following feature films “The Fate of a Poet” and “Rustam and Sukhrob” directed by Boris Kimyagarov, “Teacher” by Nosir Saidov, “Dance of Life” by Muhabbat Sattori, “Air Safar” by Daler Rakhmatov, “Bus” by Abdulkhay Zokirov, “Provincial Dreamers” by Rumi Shoazimov, documentaries “National Unity”, “Recognition of Sarazm” and the animated film “Highlander”. Along with the screening of feature films in the center of Uzbekistan – the city of Tashkent, the creative team and representatives of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” visited the regions and cities of Fergana, Andijan, Margilan and Rishtan, met with Uzbek spectators. On October 1, 2021, in the city of Andijan, Tajik guests were greeted by the deputy mayor of Andijan region, Shukhrat Abdumanonov, with bread and salt, dances and songs. The grand opening of the Days of Tajik Cinema in Uzbekistan in the Andijan region officially began in a large cinema near the Uzbekgim shopping center. Shukhrat Abdurakhmonov, Deputy Mayor of Andijan, and Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Director of State Institution “Tojikfilm”, addressed the participants and introduced them to the current achievements of Tajik cinema. The feature film “Teacher” was shown in Andijan. Before the start of the screening of the film, the Tajik delegation of filmmakers talked with guests and spectators. After the screening, the guests were invited to the opening of secondary school № 30 named after one of the most famous Uzbek actors, People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Abbos Bakirov in the center of Andijan. It should be noted that this actor worked at the Tajikfilm film studio in 1956-1959, starred in the feature films Dohunda by Boris Kimyagarov and Nasriddin in Khujand by A. Bek-Nazarov and E. Karamyan. The meetings of the cinematographers of Tajikistan were also held in the Fergana region in the Nurkhan large hall. Before the cultural event, Deputy Mayor of Fergana Region Khurshedjon Akhmedov and Director of Tojikfilm Mahmadsaid Shokhyon addressed the audience. People’s Artist of Tajikistan Nasriddin Nuriddinov, cameraman Zaur Dakhte and director Muhabbat Sattori praised Tajik cinema and cooperation between Tajik and Uzbek filmmakers. The audience was shown a feature film “Dance of Life” directed by Muhabbat Sattori. Similar meetings were held at the Center for Crafts in Margilan and at the Center for Ceramics in Rishtan, where People’s Artist of the USSR Mukhammadzhon Kosimov was born. An exhibition of photographs by Zaur Dakhte “Tajikistan through the eyes of Zaur Dakhte” was held in the Big Hall of the Uzbekfilm film concern. Zaur Dakhte also held a master class with young Uzbek artists, which was attended by students of the Uzbek State Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod and received answers to their questions. Representatives of the Tajik cinema had the opportunity to communicate and take pictures with world cinema stars Steven Seagal, Luc Besson, Nikita Mikhalkov, Indian cinema stars Mithun Chakraborty and Randhir Kapoor, world stage star Flipp Kirkorov and many others. The reason for pride was the fact that together with Nikita Mikhalkov, Raj Kapoor, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Oyturgan Temurova also took part in the Tashkent International Film Festival “Pearl of the Silk Road”. The reason for pride was that at the Tashkent International Film Festival “Pearls of the Silk Road”, together with Nikita Mikhalkov, Raj Kapoor, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Oyturgan Temurova, Within the framework of this event, representatives of the Tajik delegation were received by the Director General of the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival “Pearl of the Silk Road”, Director General of the Agency of Cinematography of the Republic of Uzbekistan Firdavs Fridunovich Abdukhalikov. He spoke about the hospitality of the Tajik people and called on filmmakers to cooperate, since the Uzbekfilm film concern was repaired and equipped with the best equipment of the German company ARRA. The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has allocated 28 million dollars for the provision of modern equipment. Also, a memorandum was signed between the State Institution “Tojikfilm” and the Agency of Cinematography of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the start of filming a feature film about the life and work of Abdurahmoni Jami and Alisher Navoi After the closing ceremony of the Days of Tajik Cinema in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdujabbor Rahmonzoda received representatives of the delegation of the Days of Tajik Cinema in Uzbekistan and thanked them for the successful completion. The Tajik delegation returned to the city of Dushanbe on October 4, 2021.

The delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by the director of the State Institution Tojikfilm Mahmadsaid Shohiyon left for the city of Tashkent to hold the Days of Cinema of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Republic of Uzbekistan and participate in the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival Pearl of the Silk Road The Days of Cinema of the Republic of Tajikistan will be held in the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 27 to October 4, 2021 within the framework of the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival in accordance with the signed Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Institution Tojikfilm and the Agency of Cinematography of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the Days of Cinema of the Republic of Tajikistan, films produced by Tojikfilm will be shown in the Republic of Uzbekistan, such as the feature films Rustam and Sukhrob, The Fate of the Poet by Boris Kimyagarov, Teacher by Nosir Saidov, Air Safar by Daler Rakhmatov, Dance of Life ”Muhabbat Sattori,“ Provincial Dreamers ”by Rumi Shoazimov,“ The Bus ”by Abdulkhay Zokirov and documentaries“ National Unity ”by Abdulkhay Zokirov and“ Recognition of Sarazm ”directed by Rustam Sattorzoda. Days of Tajik cinema will also be held in Andijan and Fergana regions. In connection with the opening of the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival Pearls of the Silk Road a press conference was held for a wide range of journalists. Administration State Institution Tojikfilm

On September 28, 2021, the opening of the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival "Pearl of the Silk Road" was held in the city of Tashkent of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Guests and participants from dozens of countries around the world are invited to the film festival. The delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan at the XIII Tashkent International Film Festival is headed by Mahmadsaid Shohiyon, Director of the State Institution "Tojikfilm".

September 17, 2021 a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan Rakhmonzoda Abdujabbor and Director of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” Mahmadsaid Shohiyon was held at the State Institution Tojikfilm The main purpose of the meeting was to summarize the results of the working visit of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan, consisting of the first deputy director of the State InstitutionTojikfilm Gaybullozod Tolib, Sufizoda Shodimuhammad – Doctor of Science, Professor; Nizami Mukhriddin – Doctor of Science, Professor; Maksudov Badriddin – Doctor of Science, Professor; Khakdodov Safar – Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Tajikistan and film director Faizullo Faizov The meeting touched upon a wide range of issues related to the history of these two great personalities of the two neighboring peoples Jomi and Navoi, the long-standing friendship of Tajiks and Uzbeks and its reflection in the feature film Jomi and Navoi It was decided that Safar Khakdodov will be engaged in further work on the project on the advice of Tajik scientists from the Republic of Tajikistan.

The short feature film Nasib of the State Institution Tojikfilm directed by Sharofat Arabova will take part in the short film competition at the International Muslim Film Festival in Kazan from September 5 to 10, 2021 and at the VI International Short Film Festival Baikonur in Almaty from 8 until September 12, 2021. Administration of the State Institution Tojikfilm

The short filmStudy of the State InstitutionTojikfilm directed by Mumin Kadyrov will take part in the XXX festival of short films of the CIS Open Film Festival and the National Cinematography Kinoshock among 30 films from all over the world. The festival will be held in Anapa of the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation from September 25 to October 2, 2021. The competition program of the festival included a full- length feature film The Hunter Last Prey and a short feature film Study from Tajikistan.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and in connection with the announcement of the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, the cultural capital of the CIS in 2021, on August 29, the State Institution Tojikfilm will show a short feature film Taxi directed by Faizullo Faizov for lovers of national cinema. This film has won awards at international film festivals.

In order to familiarize with the culture and art of the ancient Tajik people, from 23 to 26 August 2021, at the initiative of the State Institution Tojikfilm and the Consulate General of the Republic of Tajikistan in Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation, the Festival of Tajik Cinema was launched. The festival will show four feature films of the Tojikfilm Film Studio “I Met a Girl”, “The Fate of a Poet”, “Girls from Sogdiana” and “Mirror without Reflection”. Director of the State Institution Tojikfilm Mahmadsaid Shohiyon congratulated the guests and participants of the event on the opening of the Festival of Tajik Films in Novosibirsk and said that the festival would strengthen fruitful cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation.

The new feature film Ohirin Saydi Sayyod of the State InstitutionTojikfilm based on the work of Abror Zohir, director Muhammadrabi Ismoil participates in the competitive program of full-length films of the XXX Open Film FestivalKINOSHOK. The festival will be held in Anapa of the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation from September 25 to October 2, 2021.

Dakhta Zaur Rustamovich is 85 years old. DAKHTE Zavur Rustamovich, cameraman, Honored Worker of Culture of Tajikistan (1980), laureate of the award Lenin Komsomol of Tajikistan (1987), Academician of the Academy of Arts of Tajikistan (2010). He was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR (1980), the Order of Khizmati Shoista (For Valorous Labor, 2005). Excellence in cinematography of the USSR. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (1968). In 1955-1958. studied at the International Children Boarding School (Ivanovo, Russia), where he became interested in photography. Graduated from the camera department of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (1966). At the Tajikfilm film studio since 1959 – assistant cameraman, since 1961 – operator of documentaries, since 1970 – cameraman and director of feature films, since 1978 – cameraman and director of documentary films. The most focused interest of Dakhte Z.R. made films-ballets, children films, films-portraits. Shooting these complex films in terms of filming technology, the operator never resorted to catchy effects in the frame. In the last decade, he has worked mainly as a photo artist, the author of many republican and international exhibitions. FILMOGRAPHY. Operator of documentaries:,Everything for You,(1960),,At the Behest of the Heart,(co-operator, 1962),,In broad daylight,(co-operator, 1963), “Abdurahman Jami” (1964), “Our Contemporaries” (1965), “Spring Greetings to Russia” (co-operator, 1967), “The Art of Tajiks” stana,(1969),,Our Boki,(1969),,Decade of Friendship,(co-operator, 1970),,Lessons of the Spartakiad,(co-operator, 1971),,My brother Gulyam,(co- operative tor, 1971),,Cinema of Soviet Tajikistan,(1971),,On Earth, in Heaven and at Sea,(co-operator, 1971),,White Gold of the Motherland,(co-operator, 1971),,Reflection,(1972),,Today and every day ”(1973),“ Golden Jubilee of Tajikistan ”(co-operator, 1974),“ X111 All-Union Film Festival ”(co-operator, 1980),“ Afghan Guests in Tajikistan ”(co-operator, 1980),“ Jubilee of Tajik Cinema ”(1980) ,,The Greatness of Avicenna,(1980),,Holiday of Friendship and Brotherhood,(co-operator, 1981),,Mirzo-Tursun-zade – 70,(co-operator, 1981),,Nurek without legends,(1982),,The Great Power of Friendship,(co-operator, 1982),,Our Malika,(1983),,Enter Your House,(1983),,Routes of Friendship,(co-operator, 1984),,Birth,(co-operator, 1984),,Kindness,(1985),,Sunny Holiday of the Republic,(co- operator, 1985),,Origins,(1985),,Tiru Kamon,(co-operator, 1986),,How Much Does an Idea Weigh?,(1986),,September Meetings,(co- operator, 1987),,… And happiness in my personal life,(1987),,And I live with the wind,(co- scriptwriter, 1987),,A Drop in the Sea,(1988),,Ustod,(films 1 and 11, 1988),,How Are You Doing,(1988),,Countrymen,(1989),,Chronicle of Memory,(1989) ,,Earthquake,(1989),,Happened to me to enter into a happy day,(1990),,Sophia Tuybaeva,(1991),,Hand of the Great Master,(2000). Director and cameraman of documentaries:,Malika,(1966),,Hafiz Sherozi,(1971),,Registered in the Sky,(1982),,Interview,(1983). Operator of the documentary film,In the name of childhood,(film studio,Sinamo", 1990). Director of photography for feature films:,Meeting at the Old Mosque,(1969),,There are Different Roads,(1970),,Four from Chorsang,(2 episodes, television, 1972),,Hello, Kind Man,(1973), ,A tiger is required,(tel., 1974),,Brave Chirac,(1976),,Once upon a time in the first grade,(1977),,A man changes his skin,(5 episodes, tel., 1978). Operator of combined filming of feature films: “Rustam and Sukhrob,(1971),,Four from Chorsang,(2 episodes, tel., 1972),,One life is not enough,(1973),,Tiger is required,(tel., 1974),,Who will go to Truskavets ,(tel., 1976). Director and cameraman for the satirical newsreel,Fitil;, many newsreels,Soviet Tajikistan. Zaur Rustamovich began his career at Tajikfilm and improved his art and craft until retirement age, and still cooperates with the State Institution Tojikfilm giving advice and helping young people. In this regard, today the director of the State Institution Tojikfilm Mahmadsaid Shohiyon solemnly congratulated the hero of the day Dakhte Zaur Rustamovich on his 85th birthday, expressed gratitude for his invaluable contribution to the development of national cinema and expressed his deep gratitude. Taking this opportunity, we once again cordially congratulate Dakhta Zaur Rustamovich on the 85th spring of her life and wish her happiness, happy life and prosperity. May they always remain healthy and strong. Happy Birthday! Administration of the State Institution Tojikfilm

The second issue of the magazine Kinois already available to readers abroad. The new issue of the magazine is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Boris Kimyagarov, the life and work of this famous Tajik director. The Bukharian Times in the USA and Menora.World in Israel published articles about the Kino magazine, in which they expressed gratitude to the glorious Tajik people and the country leadership for honoring and remembering Boris Alekseevich Kimyagarov. Access to the materials at the link below.

The second issue of the scientific, art and popular magazine Kino is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous Tajik director Boris Alekseevich Kimyagarov. The magazine also focuses on current film events and introduces the wonderful world of film and film production. Those wishing to purchase the magazine "Kino can contact the editorial office of the magazine Kino State institutionTojikfilm by phone 221-71-50.

(24.07.2021) at the Vatan cinema the premiere of a feature film based on the work of Abror Zoir The Hunters Last Prey by director Muhammadrabi Ismoil took place, with the participation of a wide range of filmmakers. The film tells about the events of the nineties of the last century that took place on the state border of Tajikistan with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The premiere of the new film of the State Institution Tojikfilmwas sold out, the spacious renovated hall of the Vatan cinema was full of spectators and lovers of Russian cinema. The films premiere was attended by film critics, actors, film industry professionals, directors, writers and screenwriters, expressing their professional opinions. In the future, the feature film The Hunters Last Prey will be shown at the Vatan cinema and other regions of the country. Administration of Tojikfilm

State institution Tojikfilm announces a competition for the vacancy of the head of the installation department. Head of the installation department of GU Tojikfilm – 1st place, salary – 1600 somoni. Qualification requirements for the position of the head of the installation department: Higher professional education, specializing in video editing, work on the latest programs, work experience, discipline and compliance with the internal labor regulations, knowledge of Tajik and Russian languages ​​(knowledge of English is welcomed). Documents are accepted by the State Institution Tojikfilm at the address of Dushanbe, Bekhzoda Street, 25 until July 15, 2021. To participate in the competition, the following documents are required: – an application addressed to the head of the institution; – personal registration card (with 2 photos 4×6); – autobiography; – copies of the diploma; – a copy of the work book; – health certificate (038); – a copy of the taxpayer identification card (TIN); – a certificate from the tax authorities on the income of individuals and property; – copy of the passport; – a copy of the military ID (for those who served in the army); – certificate of no criminal record; – the lens. More detailed information can be obtained by phone, e-mail and on the official website of Tojikfilm: Tel: 221-67-71; 221-71-50; Mail:

Today on June 25, 2021 at the cinema named after Tokhir Sobirov, on the basis of the proposal of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the development and production of a feature film about the friendship of two fraternal peoples, a meeting was held with the participation of the director of the State Institution Tojikfilm Mahmadsaid Shokhiyon, literary scholars, historians, scientists, writers, poets and film critics. The meeting was attended by Academician Boymurod Sharifzoda, Director of the Institute of Language and Literature, Muhammadzhonzoda Olimjon, Chairman of the Committee on Language and Terminology, Abdunabi Sattorzoda, Head of the Historical Department of the National Academy of Sciences, Muhammadiev Shamsiddin, Doctor of Philology, sociologist, Ato Union Mirkhodzha. Abdumannonov, literary critic, Juma Quddus, writer, playwright, Uljabaeva Manzura, film critic, costume designer, Safar Khakdod, chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Tajikistan, Tillo Nekkadam, film critic. Tillo Neckadam opened the meeting with an opening speech, outlined the goals and objectives of the meeting and introduced the guests. The viewers were shown documentaries of Tajik and Uzbek filmmakers about the life and work of Mavlono Abdurahmoni Jomi and his friendship with Mir Alisher Navoi. Then scientists, intellectuals, writers and specialists in this field exchanged views on the development and production of a feature film about the history of friendship between the Tajik and Uzbek peoples represented by Jami and Navoi.

THE OFFICIAL VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN SHAVKAT MIRZIYOYEV TO THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN GIVEN A SERIOUS IMPULSE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL AND CINEMATOGRAPHIC COOPERATION. Holding the Days of Cinema of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tajikistan at a high level of preparation and organization strengthened cooperation between Tajik and Uzbek filmmakers and attracted the attention of high-ranking leaders of the two countries.

The organizing committee of the festival of feature and television films of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Dushanbe reports that due to many external factors and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic around the world and not confirmation of the participation of many delegations in the festival scheduled from 06.29- 02.07.2021 , the festival is postponed. You can get information about new dates of the film festival on the official website of the State Institution Tojikfilm www.

On the eve of the official visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Tajikistan in order to implement the Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Institution “Tojikfilm” and the Agency of Cinematography of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved on May 21, 2021, feature films and documentaries dubbed into the Tajik language will be shown in cinemas of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” ”And on the air of state TV channels.DATES OF SHOWING: 10.06.2021 18:00 Feature film Ilkhak Cinema Vatan Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 11.**10.06.2021 18.00 Documentary film Abdurahmoni Jami Cinema named after Tokhir Sobirov, GU Tojikfilm, Dushanbe, Bekhzod street 25.**11.06.2021 18.00 Documentary film Under the One Sky Cinema Vatan. Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 11.**11.06.2021 18.00 Documentary Cinema Heart of the People them. Tohira Sobirova, State Enterprise Tajikfilm, Dushanbe Dushanbe, Behzoda street 25.






















MIKHAIL PORECHENKOV WILL RETURN TO POLAR Shooting of the second season of the comedy series Polyarny by 1-2-3 Production studio with Mikhail Porechenkov in the lead role has begun in the Moscow region. This was reported by the press service of the TNT TV channel. Polyarny is the story of former crime boss Viti Myasnik, who retired long ago and lived a decent life on a farm in the company of his best friend, the Bros bull. But suddenly, problems from the past forced the hero to flee to the town of Polyarny in northern Russia, where he not only became a local Robin Hood and confronted crooks of various caliber, but also met his love.** **ALEXANDER TSEKALO AND JESSICA ROADS STARTED WORKING ON THE ADAPTATION OF THE DAVID HILL NOVEL EVAPORATION SredaGlobal, represented by Alexander Tsekalo and Jessica Rhodes, are working on a TV series based on David Hill book TheVapors, released in 2020. This was reported on the page of the production company Wednesday in the social network Facebook. The series will be produced, showrunner and written by Alex Metcalfe, who collaborated with Rhodes on Sharp Objects. Filming is scheduled for next year.** **CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER HAS NOT BECAME Canadian actor Christopher Plummer has passed away at the age of 91. According to Deadline, he died at his home in Connecticut while being close to his family. In 1954, the aspiring artist got his first major role in the New York production of Somerset Maugham The Faithful Wife. Since his debut, he has starred in such prestigious Broadway productions as Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V, Romeo and Juliet, Richard III, Macbeth, Cyrano, Othello. King Lear. Subsequently, Plummer was recognized as the best performer of Shakespearean roles in North America.** **RENE SELLWEGER TURNS INTO A CRIMINAL Two-time Oscar winner Renee Zellweger will star in the true-to-life crime series TheThingAboutPam, reports Deadline. The six-episode tape is dedicated to the murder of Betsy Faria in 2011. Her husband was found guilty, but the sentence was later overturned. During the investigation, new details were revealed, and the real culprit was Faria girlfriend, PamHapp. Zellweger will embody her image.** **ON THE MOTIVES OF BLACK PANTHER THE SERIES WILL BE REMOVED Based on the superhero fantasy Black Panther, a series will be shot. The director chair will be taken by the director of the original film – Ryan Coogler, reports Deadline.** **WILL SMITH TO WORK WITH DADPOOL 2 DIRECTOR DAVID LITCH Will Smith will star in the action film Fast & Loose, directed by Deadpool 2 and John Wick director David Leitch, reports Deadline.

DIED VASILY LANOVA On January 28, 2021, it became known about the death of Vasily Lanovoy. Peoples Artist of the USSR was 87 years old.


** The Blockade Diary received the main prize of the Golden Eagle Prize. Union of Salvation leads in the number of awards The National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia has announced the winners of the Golden Eagle Award. The black and white drama “Blockade Diary”, which received the main prize of the Moscow International Film Festival, was named the best picture of 2020. Most of the awards went to the historical epic “The Union of Salvation” – it was noted in six categories, including “Best Supporting Actor” (Alexander Domogarov) and “Best Visual Effects”.** ** On January 22, the main characters of the Russian film industry gathered in the first pavilion of Mosfilm for the annual Golden Eagle award ceremony, which was supported by Mercury. The ceremony was opened by the Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova. The film “Blockade Diary” directed by Andrey Zaitsev was recognized as the best film of the year. The film also won awards in the nominations “Best Screenplay” and “Best Actress” – Olga Ozollapina received the award. And the main actor of the year was Yuri Borisov – he played the main role in a biopic about the inventor of the AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle. The award for the best director’s work went to Andrey Konchalovsky for Dear Comrades. The film, nominated by Russia for the Oscar, participated in five nominations at once. A special prize “For Contribution to Cinematography” was awarded to the director and actress Svetlana Druzhinina. ** ** The first trailer of the blockbuster “Godzilla vs. Kong”, in which the king of monsters and the keeper of the Skull Island, will face each other on the screen, has appeared on the network. The crossover features Millie Bobby Brown, Alexander Skarsgard, Eisa Gonzalez, Kyle Chandler, Rebecca Hall and others. ** ** Premiere of “King’s Man: The Beginning” postponed for six months Disney has postponed several films produced by 20th Century Studios and Searchlight. Among them – the action movie “King’s Man: The Beginning”, which will be released six months later, on August 20 instead of March 12, 2021. ** ** Christopher Nolan may end his relationship with Warner Bros. He collaborated with the studio for 20 years According to the Wall Street Journal, Christopher Nolan no longer plans to work with Warner Bros., with which he worked for 20 years. The director is allegedly not satisfied with the studio’s new policy of simultaneously releasing films online and in cinemas. **

SUMMING UP THE ACTIVITY RESULTS GU “TOCHIKFILM” IN 2020. On January 22, 2021, at the final meeting, the results of the activities of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” in 2020 were summed up. The agenda of the meeting included industry issues, reports of heads of structural divisions and other important issues of the industry were considered and discussed: 1. On the results of the activities of GU “Tojikfilm” in 2020 and tasks for the next year; 2. Report of the heads of structural divisions; 3. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Government Council for the Development of Domestic Cinematography dated December 8, 2020 and approval of an action plan for it; 4. On the preparation for the chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the development of a documentary film and the holding of a festival of feature and television films of the SCO member states; 5. On the state of cinemas, their names and regulation in cooperation with the relevant organizations and bodies; 6. Current problems. At the meeting, Director Mahmadsaid Shohiyon analyzed and reviewed the activities of GU “Tojikfilm” for 2020. To perpetuate the memory of Tajik director Tokhir Sobirov, the filmmakers proposed to name the new cinema of the institution after Tokhir Sobirov, and this proposal was approved by the majority of those present. At the same time, discussing the issues of the industry, the director of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” Mahmadsaid Shohiyon noted that the full preparation of the new cinema is the beginning of the improvement and creative work, and in the second stage it is planned to complete the reconstruction of the cinema “Vatan” in which the premiere of the new feature film “Tojikfilma” “Ohirin Saydi Sayyod” (“The Hunter’s Last Prey”) At the end, an appropriate decision was made, tasks for the next period were defined and the responsible persons were instructed to carry out the instructions.

** The creator of Queen’s Run Scott Frank will adapt Mary Doria Russell’s novel The Sparrow. He will write the script for the miniseries, Deadline reports. This is the story of a group of Jesuits led by Father Emilio Sandoz, who for the first time comes into contact with extraterrestrial life. The Vatican sponsors a secret expedition to a distant planet to prove the existence of God in the vastness of the universe. But things get out of hand and the trip turns into disaster. Father Sandoz remains the only one who was able to survive. Broken, physically and mentally, he returns to Earth, and the Vatican begins to investigate the incident. ** ** American hip-hop singer and Grammy winner Cardi B got her first major film role. She will star in the comedy “Assisted Living” by Paramount Studios, Variety reported. In the center of the plot is the petty fraud Amber, who brings trouble upon herself after an unsuccessful robbery. Running away from cops and former accomplices, she cannot find a suitable shelter in any way. And in the end he decides to hide in a nursing home, disguised as an elderly woman. The creators consider the comedies “Tootsie”, “Sister Act” and “Mrs. Doubtfire” as references. The script for the film was written by Kei Oyegun (This Is Us). ** ** Matthew McConaughey has left the cast of Redeemer, on which True Detective writer Nick Pizzolatto was working. After the departure of the actor, the launch was postponed indefinitely, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The plot of the series is based on the novel by Patrick Coleman “Parishioner” about the former bodyguard of the Prime Minister. McConaughey was confirmed for the lead role in January 2020, with Pizzolatto in charge of the script. The Savior could be their second joint project. Without McConaughey, FX is not going to promote the series. In this regard, the scriptwriter may terminate the deal with the TV channel. ** ** Andrey Leonov and Stanislav Duzhnikov joined the cast of the Ivanov-Ivanov series. The fifth season of the comedy project starts on January 25 on STS, the channel’s press service reports. In the new episodes, Stanislav Duzhnikov will play the unsociable relative of the Ivanovs, who will shelter them on his farm, and Andrei Leonov will reincarnate as a local intelligent veterinarian who has become Lida’s new suitor (Anna Ukolova). In the meantime, the Ivanovs will release Anton (Sergei Burunov) from prison, and Polina (Alexandra Florinskaya) will begin to learn the basics of rural business. ** ** Screenwriter Elizaveta Tsyganova took part in the Berlinale Talents with the project of the full-length social drama “Blast-Rider No. 2”, according to the forum’s website. It will take place online from March 1-5 as part of the industrial program of the 71st Berlin Film Festival. Blaster № 2 is the story of a rebellious teenager who turns out to be the second on the college leadership’s list of potential blasters. He decides to prove himself worthy of the first place, and plans to make a real explosion. The film will be directed by Irina Obidova, and the producer will be Alexandra Alekhina. Tsyganova, Obidova and Alekhina together represent the team of the Potential Production Center. In addition, Elizaveta Tsyganova turned out to be one of ten participants in the script laboratory of the Berlinale – Script Station 2021. Within five days, the authors will finalize their scripts with renowned consultants in order to present them at a public presentation in front of European producers and film companies. This year, 200 film industry representatives from 65 countries will take part in the Berlinale Talents. The topic of the forum was “Dreams”. Russia will also be represented by producer Yegor Odintsov, who participated in the creation of the drama “Conference”, and actress Anastasia Reshetnikova, who has been living in the Netherlands for six years and has been acting in foreign projects. **

The festival will be held in two stages: online for representatives of the film industry and in the form of open screenings for the public. The managing director of the Berlinale, Mariette Rissenbeck, noted that the current situation during the coronavirus “does not allow satisfying the desire for face-to-face meetings in February.” Changing the format of the 71st edition of the festival in 2021 “will provide an opportunity to protect the health of all guests and support a new start of the film industry.”** **Belarus nominated for the Oscar a film about a Jew who teaches an SS man. Belarus nominated the film Lessons of Farsi for the Oscar. This is a joint production of Belarus, Germany and Russia – a film about a concentration camp prisoner who survived teaching an SS man a fictional language.** **Konchalovsky’s film “Dear comrades!” nominated for an Oscar. Film by Andrey Konchalovsky “Dear Comrades!” talks about the execution of workers in Novocherkassk in 1962, classified in Soviet times. Film directed by Andrey Konchalovsky “Dear comrades!” was nominated from Russia for the Oscar in the nomination “Best Foreign Language Film”. This was announced on Friday, November 13, by the chairman of the Russian Oscar Committee, Vladimir Menshov.** **How a German city became the birthplace of James Bond. Bochum • Believe it or not, but the birthplace of (fictional) British spy James Bond is the (quite real) German city of Wattenscheid – although in 1975 it lost its independence during the administrative reform and became one of the districts of the city of Bochum.** **Warner Bros. will release all 2021 premieres in cinemas and streams. American film company Warner Bros. announced that in 2021 it will air all premieres simultaneously in theaters and on the HBO Max streaming service. “The hybrid model was created as a strategic response to the impact of the ongoing pandemic around the world, particularly in the United States,” Warner Bros. said. Simultaneously with the release of the film in theaters, it will be released in HBO Max for a month, after which it will be temporarily removed from there. Next year, Warner Bros. plans to release 17 films, including Dune, Suicide Squad and The Matrix 4.** **Certification of plurality. A film and a book about David Bowie were released in Russia. The film “David Bowie. Man from the Star ”by Gabriel Range. Boris Barabanov believes that it is worth watching the musician’s biopic, even though the tape does not contain his music, and at the same time it is worth reading Will Brooker’s book Why Bowie is important, which has just been published in Russian.** **Exercises with films. How sports cinema responded to the pandemic. This year, not the richest in sports competitions, turned out to be surprisingly rich in sports films – fiction and documentary. Basketball players and cyclists, football players and chess players, figure skaters and saber fencers became its heroes. Many of the films were overwhelmingly popular with audiences.** **Sensible dreams Irony and nostalgia at Woody’s Rifkin Festival Allen. Woody Allen’s Rifkin Festival comes out on New Year’s Eve and just in time for the anniversary date: 125 years have passed since the world’s first film show. The best gift for the anniversary of cinema is difficult to come up with, says Andrei Plakhov.** **”I could have made a career in the supermarket” Actress Juliette Binoche on her journey to cinema. In the New Year’s rental there is a picture of Martin Provost “How to be a good wife” with Juliette Binoche in the title role. Viewers will see Juliette Binoche in a comedic role that is rare for her. She plays the manager of a boarding house for young girls: here they teach to obey her husband and know her place. Meanwhile, outside the window – 1968, student riots in France, feminism is gaining strength. Even through the closed shutters, the pupils hear the sounds of a new life – and a new morality: now future exemplary wives have a choice** **The film “Safarnoma: Notes on the Heritage Trail” of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” will be seen by the Bulgarian audience in the documentary competition of the 13th Film Festival of the Middle East and North Africa Region “Sofia Minaret”. The film will be available in Tajik with Bulgarian subtitles.** **

** In January, the next issue of the magazine “Kino” of the State Institution “Tojikfilm” dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of BA Kimyagarov is planned. and the 90th anniversary of the State Institution “Tojikfilma” ** ** At present, editing of the documentary film “Roh” (Road), produced by State Institution “Tojikfilm”, is underway. ** ** The film “Kholop” topped the rating of the largest films at the box office in 2020. Klim Shipenko’s comedy “The Kholop” topped the rating of films shown in the Russian box office in 2020. It was watched by 10.2 million people, box office receipts amounted to almost 2.7 billion rubles, according to the Cinema Foundation. The highest grossing foreign film was Guy Ritchie’s Gentlemen, which was released in February. ** ** 9 Russian films that will support distribution in 2021. HORSE ROCK, Release date: February 18; Cash potential: 800 million rubles. MAYOR THUNDER. PLAGUE DOCTOR; Release date: April 8; Cash potential: 1.5 billion rubles. RELATIVES; Release date: February 11; Cash potential: 500 million rubles. A GRANDMOM OF EASY BEHAVIOR. START; Release date: February 18; Cash potential: 500 million rubles. CARAMORA; Release date: September 16; Cash potential: 500 mln. THE LAST BOGATYR 3; Release date: December 23; Cash potential: 2 billion rubles. WORLD CHAMPION; Release date: December 30; Cash potential: 700 million rubles. WE; Release date: not set; Cash potential: 500 million rubles. HEART OF PARMA; Release date: not set; Cash potential: 600 million rubles. ** ** The story of “Black Widow”, the new “Matrix” and Kozlovsky’s directorial projects: 20 expected films of 2021. Several expected films of 2021 are dedicated to superheroes – both Russian (“Major Thunder: The Plague Doctor”) and foreign (“Black Widow”, “Venom: Let There Be Carnage”, “Suicide Squad: Mission Brought Through”, “The Eternal”) … Also planned are the premieres of a number of films shot within the framework of popular series and franchises: “King’s Man: The Beginning”, “No Time to Die” about James Bond, “Mortal Kombat”, “Quiet Place 2”, “Fast and Furious 9”, “Top Gun: Maverick “,” Matrix 4 “. In addition, among the films with a high expectation rating are the adaptation of Frank Herbert’s novel “Dune”, the new action movie “Human Wrath” by Guy Ritchie, two directorial projects by Danila Kozlovsky and other films. ** ** “I’ve done a lot of crazy things, so I’m surprised myself that I’m still alive”: Mel Gibson celebrates 65th birthday. Australian and American actor, director and producer Mel Gibson turns 65 on January 3rd. The action movie “Mad Max” brought him wide popularity. Another striking work of the artist at the dawn of his career was the role of Martin Riggs in the film “Lethal Weapon”. In the 1990s, Gibson made his directing debut. He directed such films as “Apocalypse”, “The Passion of Christ” and “Braveheart”. Mel Gibson won an Oscar for his latest project. ** ** Online cinema ivi, considered the most popular domestic video service, summed up the results of 2020. The most popular Russian TV series on the service turned out to be “Major”, followed by the original ivi projects “Tenderness” and “Plague!” ** ** Theater and film actor Vladimir Korenev, whom the audience loves and remembers from the role of Ichthyander in “Amphibian Man”, has died of coronavirus, reports the Interfax agency with reference to Irina Koreneva. ** ** The Moscow government and “Moschino” begin accepting applications for grants for filmmakers filming Moscow, according to the press service of “Moschino”. Financial support will be provided to filmmakers whose films help popularize Moscow’s image in cinema. One of the important conditions for selection is that the paintings should include filming on the territory of recognizable and well-known public spaces of the capital, reflecting the historical and cultural identity of the city. These episodes must be at least 10% of the total length of the films. **

Kate Atkinson’s Novel “Life After Life” Will Receive A Film Adaptation. This Is The Story Of Ursulla Todd, Who Falls Into Alternate Realities. She Lives And Dies Under Different Circumstances, After Which She Is Reborn Again. A Woman Will Have To Go Through Two World Wars, Recover From A Fatal Disease And Much More. Ben Affleck will play in the film about the illusionist Harry Houdini. Project “The Secret Life of Houdini”, which has been in development for many years, seems to have gotten off the ground: the site / Film reports that Ben Affleck got the role in the picture. True, he will not play Houdini himself, but one of the secondary characters – a secret agent who worked with the famous illusionist. WarnerMedia may lose $ 1.2 billion due to the decision to release films on HBO Max Some cinemas may take revenge on the studio for the release of premieres on HBO Max. According to forecasts of the analytical company MoffettNathanson, WarnerMedia may miss 1.2 billion in the 2021 box office dollars. Analysts point out that in the second half of next year, if everything goes well, if most of the movie theater chains resume their work, then some of the new movies that are planned to be released online could raise $ 1 billion worldwide.

Critics have named the best films and TV series of 2020. The total summing up of the results of the year continues on all sides. This time, the Metacritic portal publishes its lists, both summary and personal charts of experts. Films: “Land of the Nomads”, “The First Cow”, Lovers Rock – one of the episodes of the anthology “Voice of Change”, “Never, rarely, sometimes, always”, “The Collective”, “Minari”, “American Utopia” by David Byrne and Spike Lee, Dick Johnson is Dead, Time Garrett Bradley, City Hall. Films: “The Land of the Nomads”, “The First Cow”, Lovers Rock – one of the episodes of the anthology “Voice of Change”, “Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always”, “The Collective”, “Minari”, “American Utopia” by David Byrne and Spike Lee, Dick Johnson is Dead, Time Garrett Bradley, City Hall. 2. The third festival of Portuguese cinema has opened in the Novosibirsk center of culture and recreation “Pobeda”. The program includes six contemporary Portuguese films, including Fernando Vendrell’s retro-drama The Apparition, a vivid biography of the provocative rock musician, two documentaries and two love stories. The organizers told how they will present the Oscars in 2021 The organizers of the Oscar ceremony plan to hold it in person, regardless of the epidemiological situation. The event is scheduled for April 25, 2021, Variety reports. Even if the coronavirus restrictions remain in the United States at that time, the ceremony will still be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. The organizers do not want the winners to receive their awards virtually. It became known when “Fast and Furious” will end The producers of the film series told about this “Fast and Furious” – one of the most profitable film series (its total receipts are approaching the $ 6 billion mark) – will be completed in the coming years. True, wanting to get a little more money, the Universal studio decided to divide the final, planned for “Fast and Furious 10″, into two films. Thus, the eleventh part will be the last in the original film series. Top 10 most recognizable quotes from Soviet films according to the Mosfilm TV channel. Golden Collection”: 1. “And they will cure you, and they will cure you too … and they will cure me” (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”) – 88% recognition rate. 2. “Tsar, very nice, hello, Tsar …” (“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”) – 86% recognition rate. 3. “I’m not guilty, he came by himself!” (“The Diamond Arm”) – 85% recognition. 4. “I demand the continuation of the banquet!” (“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”) – 81% recognition rate. 5. “Stirlitz, I’ll ask you to stay” (“17 Moments of Spring”) – 80% recognition rate. 6. “I’ll tear my mouth, I’ll gouge out the blinkers…” (“Gentlemen of Fortune”) – 79% recognition rate. 7. “Everybody dance!” (“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”) – 78% recognition rate. 8. “Student, Komsomol member, athlete, finally, she’s just a beauty!” (“Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures”) – 77% recognition rate. 9. “What a disgusting jellied fish of yours!” (“Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”) – 76% recognition rate. 10. “Semyon Semyonich …” (“The Diamond Arm”) – 75% recognition.

“Doctor Liza” with Chulpan Khamatova will be released on KinoPoisk HD December 25 On December 25, the Russian drama “Doctor Lisa” will appear on KinoPoisk HD, in which Chulpan Khamatova played the public figure Elizaveta Glinka. The online premiere of the film will take place on the anniversary of the death of Dr. Lisa. Cinema channel “Mosfilm. Golden Collection ”started the all-Russian campaign“ The New Year’s Film is… ”. As part of the action, users are invited to take part in a survey and name the most New Year’s film. The Disney film “Mulan” for four weeks in a row occupies the first line of the top sales of Russian online cinemas from “Film Pro”, confirming that in the so-called “peacetime” without the coronavirus it could well set a record in the Russian wide distribution. On December 17, the New China Cinema Festival starts in St. Petersburg. It will take place at the Aurora cinema. TV channel T24, with the help of the social network “VKontakte”, identified the most memorable phrases of world cinema by male viewers. 715 people wanted to participate in the survey. And the leader was “Terminator-2” – at once two phrases from this action movie hit the final Top-10.

DISNEY TO FILM 10 MARVEL COMIC SERIES AND 10 MORE IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE. As part of Investor Day, Disney shared details on how its streaming platforms will evolve and what to expect from its key projects, including the Star Wars franchise and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Main points: Disney + reached 86.8 million on December 2. Prior to that, the company wanted to attract 60-90 million subscribers by 2024 alone. The studio has big plans for Disney +. She prepares for streaming 10 series in the Marvel Universe and Star Wars, 15 animated series, including projects Pixar, as well as 15 full-length cartoons (also Disney and Pixar). These projects will come out in the next few years. Disney + plans to release new content on a weekly basis. Disney + will have a Star service that will offer R-rated content like Logan and Kingsman. Raya and the Last Dragon will be released on March 5 simultaneously on Disney + and in theaters. Subscribers will have to pay an additional $ 30 for it. Previously, the picture was supposed to be released in the cinema in November, but in the end it was postponed due to the pandemic. 20th Century Studios and Searchlight (Birdman, 12 Years a Slave) will be making films specifically for Hulu. This year, the service has successfully released the comedy Hang in Palm Springs and the thriller Locked Up. Hulu has renewed The Handmaid’s Tale for a fifth season. The fourth will premiere in 2021. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has been extended to Season Eighteen. The fifteenth will launch on FXX next year.

THE RUSSIANS CALLED THEIR FAVORITE FILMS BY NIKITA MIKHALKOV. On the occasion of the anniversary of one of the most famous Russian directors – October 21 Nikita Mikhalkov turns 75 – the Mosfilm. The film “One of our own among strangers, a stranger among our own” headed the five leaders. This picture was named favorite by 50% of the respondents. The second place was taken by the film “Relatives” (33%). On the third place was “Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano”, with 32% of votes. At the bottom of the rating are dramas “Burnt by the Sun” and “Five Evenings”. 30% and 25% of respondents voted for them, respectively.

“ONE MORE” THOMAS WINTERBERG IS A RECORD FOR THE NUMBER OF “EUROPEAN OSKARS”. The European Film Academy has announced the voting results of its 3,800 members to select the 2020 European Oscars. Danish social drama “One More” was recognized as the best European film of the year. She was also awarded Best Director by Thomas Winterberg, Best Screenplay (Thomas Winterberg, Tobias Lindholm) and Best Actor Mads Mikkelsen. The film’s competitors were Martin Eden (Italy), Berlin Alexanderplatz and Undine (Germany), Hope (Norway), Painted Bird (Czech Republic) and Body of Christ (Poland). Carlo Sironi, director of the film Sole, is named a European discovery. The prize for the best European comedy went to Emmanuel Kurkol’s film Triumph (France), for the best cinematography – Matteo Cocco (I wanted to hide, Italy), for the best artist’s work – Cristina Casali (The Personal Story of David Copperfield). In the nomination of documentaries, “The Collective” was recognized as the best – a documentary investigation by director Alexander Nanau (Romania, Luxembourg).

State institution “Tojikfilm” is establishing creative and industrial cooperation by searching for professional scenarios. Screenwriters, writers and creatives can submit their scripts on a variety of topics and genres. GU “Tojikfilm” accepts scripts in the established order (you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for submitting scripts on the website: through the General Department of the institution at the address: Dushanbe, st. Bekhzod, 25. Contact phone numbers: 227-17-87; 93-848-07-50.

“Round table” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of B.A. Kimyagarov

Premiere of the documentary “Ustod Kimyagarov”

Congratulations to the administration of the State Institution “Tajikfilm” on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Boris Alekseevich Kimyagarov

State Institution “Tojikfilm” starts filming two new films

The presentation of the poster for the film “Bachai obi” (Water Boy) was held at the State Institution “Tajikfilm”

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“Tojikfilm” has started the production of another short fiction film titled “Nasib”, written and directed by Sharofat Arabova. The film narrates about a modern exemplary

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Premiere of the film "THE LAST FISHERMAN"

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Premiere of the film comedy "BUS"

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90th anniversary of Tajikfilm

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Congratulations on the 90th anniversary

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Medal "Excellence in Tajik Cinema"

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Song from the feature film "Runway"

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Song from the feature film "I Met a Girl"

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Movie premiere "Water boy"

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In honor of the 100th anniversary of the famous Tajik director Kimyagarov B.A.

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Таҷҳизоти наворбадорӣ

Техника ва дастгоҳҳои наворбардорӣ дар ҳолати хуби корӣ қарор доранд.

Таҷҳизоти равшандиҳӣ

Тамоми таҷҳизоте, ки барои равшандиҳӣ дар филм зарур аст, дар Тоҷикфилм пайдо карда мешавад.

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Сифати баланди таҷҳизоти студияи мазкур метавонад кори шуморо осон намояд.


Дастгоҳҳои истеҳсоли филмҳои аниматсия дар соли 2015 навсозӣ шудаанд.


Нақлиёти МД "Тоҷикфилм" бо шароити ҷуғрофии Тоҷикистон мутобиқ буда, ба дилхоҳ гушаи кишвар сафари эҷодӣ карда мешавад.


Барои фаъолият ва коркарди филм ба ин саҳифа муроҷиат намоед.

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Дастгоҳҳои садобардорӣ дар ҳолати хуби корӣ қарор доранд.

Ороиши саҳна ва павилион

Барои сохтмон ва саҳнаороӣ ва истифодабарии павилионҳо хотираи синамои тоҷик.дар филм ба ин саҳифа ворид шавед.



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